Union Minister Virbhadra Singh is filing revision petition against the decision made by the special court. He issued the statement to the press that he had filed a writ petition in the capital High Court (Shimla) for quashing of the complete criminal case against him and his wife Pratibha. Referring to a January 7, 2011 order of the High Court, he added that the court had then observed that if the Special Judge felt there is material to frame charges against him, the judge may express his opinion to the High Court and not proceed any further. He added further, "revision petition" would be filed against the decision of the Special Judge for not discharging the accused as well as not considering the material placed on records of the Special Judge by the accused.
Virbhadra Singh and his wife were booked in the case on August 3, 2009, on the basis of an audio CD released by former Congress Minister Vijay Singh Mankotia in May, 2007 and the prosecution filed the case in the court of special judge in October, 2010. So the time will tell the actual decision of the case.
see it got two faces
1. virbhadra was talking about 3 lakhs...thats just like a penny for a chief minister
2. he asked for money....means he is a culprit think it
He has to prove his innocence else he'll be behind bars but recent past years have shown his much interest in the development of the Himachal Pradesh and this is the reason he has much support.
@anonymous can you prove whether what he has done in development of h.p.
@anonymous for your kind info past few year all the development been done by b.j.p only
@Mukul You can check the Administrative Records for the same. The CD (Audio) can be fake too since we have so many s/w to make such CDs. So he can prove himself as innocent. This could be the deed done by his opponents.
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