
Tara Devi Temple, Shimla Himachal Pradesh

Solan (Himachal Pradesh) to Taradevi (Himachal Pradesh) is 38 km.
Time by train is 1 hr, 50 mins.
There is no airport in Taradevi.
Nearest airport to Taradevi is Indira Gandhi Intl Airport, Delhi (273 km).

Here are some of the Snapshots of Tara Devi Shimla with their description:-

Tara Devi Shimla, Himachal Prasesh
View @ Tara Devi Shimla

Tara Devi Shimla, Himachal Prasesh
Clouds Over Tara Devi Shimla 1

Tara Devi Shimla, Himachal Prasesh
Clouds Over Tara Devi Shimla 2

Tara Devi Shimla, Himachal Prasesh
Clouds Over Tara Devi Shimla 3

Tara Devi Shimla, Himachal Prasesh
Picnic Spot @ Tara Devi Shimla

Tara Devi Shimla, Himachal Prasesh
Picnic @ Tara Devi Shimla

View of Shimla from Tara Devi

Towers Connecting Tara Devi Shimla

Tara Devi Shimla Himachal Pradesh

Towers standing tall @ Tara Devi Temple

Moist Grass of Tara Devi Temple

Uphill Grassland of Tara Devi Premises

Great Horizon @ Tara Devi

Play Cricket @Tara Devi Shimla

Enjoying @ Tara Devi Shimla

Awesome Forest @ Tara Devi Shimla

Sunset @ Tara Devi Shimla

Tapered Grassland and Forest @ Tara Devi Shimla 

Awesome Tree view @ Tara Devi Shimla

Branched Tree @ Tara Devi Shimla

Shimla View from Tara Devi

Twin Tree @ Tara Devi Shimla

Long Grass @ Tara Devi Shimla

Path to National Highway-22 from Tara Devi Shimla

Decent Path @ Tara Devi

Green Peak @ Tara Devi Shimla

Beautiful View @ Tara Devi

Stairs following the path @ Tara Devi Shimla

Broad Forest @ Tara Devi Shimla

Clear Path @ Tara Devi Shimla

Autumn Season @ Tara Devi Shimla

Spectacular View from Tara Devi Shimla

Shimla Tara Devi, Himachal Pradesh


Sumit Kumar said...

Thanks for sharing wonderful images of Tara Devi Mandir... And all the images are very beautiful.

Unknown said...

Tara Devi temple is the best place which the most of the tourist prefer to visit during the vacation. To grab the best Shimla Manali tour packages one can go through https://www.shimlapacks.in/shimla-honeymoon-tour-packages-jaipur this. I like this place very much because it is the nice place which the most of the tourist prefer to visit during the holidays.

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