Shimla: After the amendment in the area of Tehsil Theog, certain parts of the tehsil are divided and also concatenation of Kumarsan has occurred. 26 Panchayats of Kumarsan are concatenated with Theog. Nine and half Panchayats of Deha circle in Theog region are concatenated with Chopal legislative assembly. Similarly six Panchayats are with Kasumpti region, whereas 72699 voters belong to Theog-Kumarsan legislative assembly; which is a maximum count.
After this all process of changing the scenario various changes have occurred in Theog region. The changes are done to look into the matter of various people for their betterment. This change goes in both hands, for some it is a boon whereas for some it must act as a sin. The main criteria of changing the regions are to uplift the state in every way possible by the Himachal Pradesh Government. We hope that this change would be accepted by the people and would prove to be beneficial as far as overall development of the state is concerned.
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