
Vegetables/Pulses rates high in Himachal Pradesh

Vegetable rates rise in the State:  The effect of recession seems to loot the state of Himachal Pradesh.  Himachal Pradesh was although aimed to provide maximum of upcoming vegetables and Apple to contribute in the time of recession.  The bit of monsoon in the state is unable to provide that much of moisture in the soil to give a maximum of product.

This all makes a fall in price of vegetables in the state.  Pulses are also influenced since this monsoon rain is recorded as less therefore this is a time where all eatables have priced high.  Within last 30 days the pulses have raised to Rs. 55.  Oil and salt rates are also raised.  

Following are the rates for some of the basic items:-

Rajmah             125     70
Black Chana   65       50
Daal Chana     70       50
Arhar                 80      70
Malka                 55       50
Moong               75       70
Sugar                36       40
Refined             100-110         80-90
Ghee                 290-330        250-290
Oil                      125     120
Salt                    12-16  8-12
Pea                   60-70
Bean                 30-35
Cabbage          16-20
Cauliflower       28-35
Shimla Mirch   25-30
Bitter Guard    30-35
Ghiya                15-20
Tomato             30-40
Ginger              25-30
Potato               20-25
Onion                12-15 


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